About the Program

The Spanish and Latin American Culture Program is intended for international students who are not native Spanish speakers and wish to take specific university courses on Spanish language and Latin American culture. It is open to all international students.

PECLA integrates Spanish language with Latin American culture into non-degree university level courses taught by university professors. There are different programs: regular (four months), intensive (four weeks) and custom-made (personalized). Courses at PECLA meet international teaching standards as regards content, class load, exams and academic certifications. It was created by the UNC Rectorate in 2008, time in which the objectives, functions and actions of the program were set.

PECLA has evolved throughout time and has a present deeply shaped by its history. Foreign policy and cultural diffusion are necessarily interconnected. Analyzing and reflecting upon this connection, in addition to signaling the specific interests that underlie a regional policy of integration, have been the principles around which PECLA's academic offer has been built and developed. This academic offer places Universidad Nacional de Córdoba into an institutional policy, into a national university project that is related to and articulated with an educational policy that integrates the teaching of Spanish as a second and as a foreign language with Argentine and Latin American culture. At the same time, it tries to address the new realities that are generated by the process of internationalization of higher education that universities are undergoing. 


Lic. María Laura Mottura 

Extracurricular Activities                    
Lic. Agustín Premat


Contact information
Programa de Español y Cultura Latinoamericana
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Patio de las Palmeras (Ala Sur) - Pabellón Argentina PB
Haya de la Torre St. - Ciudad Universitaria CP X5000GYA
Córdoba - Argentina.
+54 351 5353751 ext. 12916
Facebook: PECLA
Skype: programa.pecla.uncordoba