Culture and services

Culture and services


UNC has a rich cultural life full of art workshops and exhibitions, plays, and music performances which take place in halls and auditoriums located both on campus and downtown.

UNC Cultural Office organized 160 cultural activities during 2014.

The University has a symphonic orchestra, a university film club, several theatre troupes, and choirs.


UNC students enjoy free primary medical assistance in University Hospitals and University Dental Health Facility. Students can also be tested for HIV with safety and confidentiality and receive advice on sexual health and responsible parenthood.


UNC has a 12-hectare sports field in the university campus where 25 different kinds of sports such as athletics, soccer, rugby, hockey, volleyball, basketball and handball are practiced. It also has an indoor gymnasium and a multi-purpose sport hall.

University Dining Facilities

This service is offered to UNC students at affordable prices. UNC has two facilities located on campus and downtown.


UNC has wireless Internet throughout the campus and downtown libraries.

Communication and mass media

Institutional Communication
UNC Institutional Communication Office implements communication and corporate image policies and develops audiovisual productions and reports for public broadcasting.

Radio and Television Services
The SRT (UNC Radio and Television Services) comprises a television channel (Channel 10), a digital television channel (cba24n), an AM radio (Radio Universidad), and an FM radio (Power FM). They are the main public broadcasting services of inland Argentina. They reach six provinces.

University Press
The University Press promotes scientific and literary works related to university educational and research activities. It also disseminates literary materials of cultural interest and recovers the work of important thinkers.